U.S.-Russia Accord on Missile Defense Almost Ready, Lavrov Says

Oct. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the U.S. and Russia are close to reaching an agreement on missile defense, the “hot potato” issue that has held up a new arms control accord between the two countries.

Presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev, who last met in June, agreed to come up with a joint expert review on the risks of missile proliferation, Lavrov said today in an interview published in Rossiiskaya Gazeta, the Russian government’s official newspaper.

“The paper should be ready soon,” Lavrov said. The next step will then be to examine common responses, together with the Europeans, beginning with diplomacy and not excluding military force, the foreign minister said.

U.S. missile defense plans were a cause for the deterioration of relations under former President George W. Bush, and Senate opposition to a new nuclear arms-reduction treaty centers on concern the treaty will cripple America’s ability to develop a missile shield. The Obama administration has dismissed the criticism as unfounded as it seeks to win greater Russian cooperation on Iran and Afghanistan.

While Lavrov said missile defense remains a “hot potato,” he praised the improvement in ties since the Obama administration called for a “reset” in relations last year.


Russia has welcomed the rapprochement, avoiding a harsh reaction to a summer spy scandal, in which 10 alleged Russian agents were deported from the U.S., and glossing over Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s reiteration in July of plans to speed up a missile defense system in Poland. Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov paid his first visit to the Pentagon in September, pledging closer cooperation with his U.S. counterpart Robert Gates.

“You need to present your positions in talks, not through the microphone as was so often the case with the previous administration,” said Lavrov. “The more we strengthen the fabric of our trade, investment and innovation relations, the firmer the Russian-American partnership will become.”

Medvedev, who is seeking American experience and capital to build a Russian “Silicon Valley” outside Moscow, has been willing to support U.S. policies on Iran and Afghanistan in return. Russia’s support for tighter UN sanctions against Iran because of its nuclear program this summer was “not an isolated action,” Lavrov said.

“I think Iran clearly heard the opinion of the international community,” said Lavrov, adding there’s “reason to believe” that Iran will soon return to talks in the “P5 Plus One” format including the U.S., U.K., France, Russia, China and Germany.


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