Russian navy has seaplane deficit

MOSCOW, Oct. 27 (UPI) -- A shortage is looming for the Russian navy of maritime patrol seaplanes.

Russian Navy Air Force and Air Defense Forces head Lt. Gen. Valeriy Uvarov confirmed the deficit due to a lack of funding, Rossiyskaia Gazeta reported Wednesday.

Uvarov told journalists: "We need to commission the A-40 seaplane system as planned. Other navies have gotten rid of them (seaplane patrol craft) altogether. They have all been scrapped because they are simply obsolete, because aircraft of this type date back to 1963.

"With regard to the A-40, we still have to complete all the work that precedes mass production. We must verify the rescue system first and foremost and get it licensed. The Northern Fleet could make do with somewhat fewer because its theater is not as scattered as the Pacific Fleet's. Five aircraft would be enough. Three aircraft are enough in the Baltic, and three in the Black Sea Fleet."


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