‘Pakistan's stand on terrorism uncertain’

NEW DELHI: Ahead of US president Barack Obama’s visit next month, India wants the issue of Pakistan-backed terrorism on the forefront as it complained on Monday that Islamabad’s stand in dealing with terror groups has been ambivalent.

India’s position was articulated by Defence Minister A K Antony who held meetings with Army commanders here where he said Pakistan had still not shed its India-centric posturing and highlighted the policy of differentiating terror groups on its eastern and western borders.

Antony’s remark came just days after US announced another installment of military aid to Pakistan in the name of fighting terrorism overlooking Indian concerns about misuse of this package.

At the Army commanders’ meeting, Antony referred to the proxy war and lamented Pakistan’s inaction in dismantling terrorist infrastructure within its territory.

“Still, as long as the terror infrastructure across the border continues to flourish, we cannot afford to drop our guard,” he said while claiming that 42 terror camps were operating in Pakistan.

“Pakistan does not appear to be willing to leave its India-centric posturing. It will have to shed its ambivalence in dealing with terror groups. Though we are not unduly concerned, we will have to keep constant vigil on the developments in Pakistan,” he said.

India has strongly protested against heavy military aid to Pakistan by the US and has raised its concerns on several occasions about the misuse of money.

New Delhi feels that Pakistan army is diverting this aid to fight against India and the kind of weapons that it was being supplied were not meant for the war against terrorism.

Despite these concerns, US announced a $2 bn military package for Pakistan two days ago. Situation in Af-Pak will be one of the major areas of discussion during Obama’s visit. Antony also raised the issue with Army commanders and said, it continues to be a cause of concern.

“The volatile political situation in our immediate neighbourhood has the potential of having a debilitating impact on the region. India’s role in preserving peace and stability thus, becomes all the more important,” he said.


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