Indian Army To Buy Second Batch of Arjun Tanks

NEW DELHI - The Indian Army has ordered and placed fresh orders for purchase of additional 124 homemade Arjun tanks following March comparative trials with the Russian-built T-90 tank.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation, which produced the tank, has been urging the Army, which ordered an initial 124 tanks, to order a second batch to make the assembly line economical.
"The project for the design and development of the MBT Arjun was approved by the government in 1974 with an aim to give the required indigenous cutting edge to our Mechanized Forces," a May 17 press release from India's Defence Ministry said. "After many years of trial and tribulation, it has now proved its worth by its superb performance under various circumstances, such as driving cross-country over rugged sand dunes, detecting, observing and quickly engaging targets, accurately hitting targets - both stationary and moving, with pinpointed accuracy.

"Its superior firepower is based on accurate and quick target acquisition capability during day and night in all types of weather," the press release added.


Tank Guy said...

Useful for them to have more confidence in their own tanks and to feel less dependent on Russian supplies.

Anonymous said...

its good that india is being laced with Arjunk...we need few hundred more, so that they become bogged down in it for ever!

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